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Frequently Asked Questions

Do You Offer Discovery Flights?

Flying is challenging and rewarding.  If you would like to see what it is like, contact us to schedule.  We offer a one time only special flat rate for a  1 hour demo at $145.00.  You may bring 1 Passenger if desired.  This is an actual flight lesson that one of our flight instructors will be able to answer all questions and get you started.

Any Fees Or Minimum Balance Required?

There are no "club fees" of any kind.  Pay as you fly and pay when you finish.  No deposit required.  An annual insurance pool requirment fee of $100 will be paid by renter or if you have your own personal insurance policy with a $5000 deductible for non-owned aircraft, you are not required to purchase our insurance. Proof required.

Private Rentals?

Absolutely! You will need to schedule a checkout with one of our Flight Instructors.   Checkouts generally last 1-2 hours, depending on your proficiency.  We will explain the policies, administer a short written test going over operating limitations, and provide general guidance for local airport and airspace.

What is your cancellation policy?

We ask at a minimum, to contact us no less than 48 hours prior to your appointment if you need to cancel or reschedule.   1 hour aircraft rental and 1 hour Instructor rate will be billed if your unable to show.



All persons renting aircraft from First Flight must read and acknowledge abiding by the following procedures:



When an aircraft has a problem while away from Brown Field, call Tom Sarvis for guidance at 619-661-6522.  Do not have repairs performed by other than First Flight mechanics unless approval has been obtained by First Flight.  Exceptions are for flights to locations, such as in Mexico, where you are unable to make telephone contact.



All renters must have a 3X5 index card on file.  The card must have current information regarding your address, telephone numbers, renter insurance information, FAA Medical currency, Flight Review currency and aircraft sign-off.



There must be a signed copy of the Aircraft Rental Agreement in file. An annual insurance pool requirement fee of $100 will be paid by renter. A copy of your annual payment will be kept in file.



Student Pilots must meet the above requirements (where applicable) and have a file jacket.  The file jacket will be maintained by the Flight Instructor. The file jacket must contain: TSA check for US Citizens copy of Birth Certificate or Passport, for foreign students, copy of TSA approval, and copy of photo; signed Rental Agreement; copy of Student Pilot/Medical; flight training record. NOTE: Student pilots are required to have an instructor endorsement every 90 days.



Aircraft will be scheduled in the Flight Calendar. The reservation should be made in pencil with renter’s name and phone number. When scheduled with a First Flight Instructor, the code number of the instructor will be noted under the renter’s name. Note: At the scheduled time, if the person renting the aircraft is not here, the office staff will attempt to call the person and confirm they still want the rental time as indicated on the flight schedule. If a pilot is unable to fly as scheduled, it is their responsibility to notify First Flight and the Instructor (if applicable), failure to notify with a minimum of 24 hours prior to flight will result in a charge of one flight hour in aircraft and one hour with instructor (if applicable). 



For flights over 50 miles from Brown Field, there must be a copy of the FAA Flight Plan in the office placed on the board beside the door. For those not filing a flight, plan but utilizing Flight following services, a destination will still be required.



We strive to provide safe aircraft.  A thorough pre-flight must be conducted. This includes checking for required inspections. Each Flight Log contains information on due inspections.  If a maintenance problem is encountered a “Squawk Sheet” must be completed and handed to Tom Sarvis or First Flight Management. Any issues not reported to First Flight after conducting pre-flight inspection will be Pilots Responsibility. Example: Flat spot on tire due to heavy breaking. Last one to fly with flat spot on tire will be charged for tire as well as labor due to pilot error which could have been avoided by not breaking hard.



Pilots are responsible to make sure that there is sufficient fuel for the flight. Do not trust the fuel gauges, utilize a measuring stick for the quantity of fuel in the tanks. If there are more than 2 hours of flight on the aircraft upon your return, please refuel the aircraft at the end of your flight.  Exceptions might be made for the Cessna 182 and Cherokee 6, with long range tanks. The credit card can be found inside the aircraft binder. After refueling, note the number of gallons on the Flight Log and place the ticket with written tail number, in the envelope marked First Flight Fuel in the office. Return the credit card inside the aircraft binder.

When purchasing fuel at another airport, use your personal credit card and you will be reimbursed for the fuel you purchased at the price of First Flight’s current fuel price per gallon. To receive credit for your fuel purchase, give a copy of your fuel receipts/bills to First Flight.



Should the aircraft require oil, obtain oil from the oil locker on the workbench. Use a funnel, found in the locker.  Note the aircraft Flight Log on the number of quarts added.  All First Flight aircraft use Phillips 66 X/C 20W-50.  When going on a cross-country flight, be sure to have extra oil on board.



All First Flight aircraft must be pulled out of position prior to flight. All First Flight aircraft must be pushed into parking position after flight. Do not power the aircraft into or out of any parking space at any time. NO EXCEPTIONS.  At the termination of the flight, please make sure all belongings and trash is removed.  The aircraft should be fully secured and locked up. TSA makes periodic security checks for unattended aircraft and will issue citations to the operator for unattended aircraft.

If flying Aeronca 7AC solo, you must tie down both wings and the tail of aircraft before hand propping aircraft.



Aircraft windshields are made of plastic and can scratch easily. Do not ever wipe the windshield dry. Use only water, Plexiglas cleaner or Pledge.



For overnight flights, a minimum of 2 hours flight per day will be charged. Point of contact information must be left on the Flight Plan copy on the Flight Plan Board.



You will be responsible to sign in and out headsets borrowed from us. If headset is not returned you will be responsible to pay for the loss of the headset. David Clark headsets $295.00 plus tax and Wings Comm. $135.00 plus tax.


 Revised: 06/14/2021


please read before making an appoinment

(619) 661-6522

©2021 by First Flight Corp

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